Our Services
High Definition Plasma Cutting
The ultimate combination of quality, tight tolerances and cutting speeds means rapid, accurate service as standard.

Our in-house plasma machines are at the forefront of cutting technology, bringing you the ultimate in quality, accuracy, tight tolerances and rapid cutting speeds.
That’s why we’re one of the UK and Ireland’s leading plasma cutting sub-contracting companies. Steelworx can deliver high quality precision products while minimising costs at reduced turnaround times. We continually invest in the latest technology and training enables to meet our customer’s demands for the accurate, flexible and rapid supply of quality products.
Steelworx can process:
- Mild Steel (70mm thick)
- Stainless Steel (10mm thick)
- Aluminium (15mm thick)
- Hardox (70mm thick)
- Chequer Plate
Our highly advanced software has been specifically developed to import your Autocad dxf files or our design engineers can work with you to create the required files. Either way we’ll work to ensure highly accurate profiles of sheet metal are achieved.